steps: -name:generatesnake.svg uses:Platane/snk@v3 with: # github user name to read the contribution graph from (**required**) # using action context var `github.repository_owner` or specified user github_user_name:${{github.repository_owner}}
# list of files to generate. # one file per line. Each output can be customized with options as query string. # # supported options: # - palette: A preset of color, one of [github, github-dark, github-light] # - color_snake: Color of the snake # - color_dots: Coma separated list of dots color. # The first one is 0 contribution, then it goes from the low contribution to the highest. # Exactly 5 colors are expected. outputs:| dist/github-snake.svg dist/github-snake-dark.svg?palette=github-dark dist/ocean.gif?color_snake=orange&color_dots=#bfd6f6,#8dbdff,#64a1f4,#4b91f1,#3c7dd9 -name:DeploytoGitHubPages uses:crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v4 with: target_branch:output build_dir:dist env: GITHUB_TOKEN:${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}